Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program (Montana)

  • Grants Office Grantwriting service fee is currently unavailable for this grant
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    Funder Type

    State Government

    IT Classification

    C - Funds little to no technology


    Montana Office of Public Instruction


    This competitive grant is available to all districts in Montana. To be eligible to submit an application for this grant, a district must meet one of the following criteria:

    • the district must have identified at least 50 students experiencing homelessness during the previous school year, or
    • at least 10% of the district's total enrollment has been identified as experiencing homelessness during the previous school year (Ex. 100 students enrolled, 10 identified as experiencing homelessness).

    Homeless education funds are used to ensure that students experiencing homelessness have the same opportunity to succeed as their stably housed peers.

    Supports may include school supplies, clothing/shoes needed to fully participate in PE or recess, fees for dual enrollment and college entrance exams, rental fees for instruments, or other items necessary for equal access to all academic and extra-curricular offerings. Funds may also be used to pay for the salary of the homeless liaison, tutoring staff, social workers, or school counselors who are providing supplemental supports to students identified as homeless.

    Grant applications MUST be submitted by September 10, 2020. For more information or questions, contact Heather Denny at or 406-444-2036.


    History of Funding

    None is available.

    Additional Information

    Information on identifying and serving students experiencing homelessness can be found here: Homeless Student Profile Dashboard > Homeless Student Profile Dashboard (


    Heather Denny

    Heather Denny

    (406) 444-2036

  • Eligibility Details

    Montana school districts that meet the criteria described in the Program Summary.

    Deadline Details

    Applications were due September 10, 2020. A similar deadline is expected, annually.

    Award Details

    Award amounts vary.

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